
GPS Geotagger Simple Info

with exiftool and ExifReader

General Information

The »GPS Geotagger Simple« is a puristic webpage tool for the geotagging of photos and images. It is inspired by the using of the »Geosetter« (geosetter.exe) tool and arised of its failures in the last years. The idea of this »GPS Geotagger Simple« is already a little bit older. As long as »Geosetter« kept working after its failures, there was no need for such a tool. However, the idea of a simple geotagging tool was still there. The »Geosetter« is very extensive in the functionality. For only put GPS coordinates in photos it is too comprehensive. »GPS Geotagger Simple« is only little extensive and very simple. In addition, the »GPS Geotagger Simple« is a simple GPS viewer for geotagged photos with EXIF GPS informations.

Technical Information

The »GPS Geotagger Simple« needs a browser (Firefox) with JavaScript engine and uses the OpenLayers and ExifReader scripts in JavaScript. With OpenLayers it is possible to display a map and put overlays with interacitve features over it. With ExifReader it is possible to read EXIF data from photos like JPG files. With exiftool it is possible to read and write EXIF data from photos like JPG files. Inside the EXIF data it is possible to save GPS information like GPSLatitude + GPSLatitudeRef and GPSLongitude + GPSLongitudeRef.

The requirements

command line (cmd)

Especially newer Windows users have no idea over the command line tool cmd. The Graphical user interface (GUI) is only what she know. The most computations on a computer are not viewable in the GUI and the most computer tools have no GUI. The command line is the direct using of a computer without a GUI. Not every computer program has a GUI, just exiftool. Open the command line tool in Windows via the Start button and search for cmd and open it. windows command line tool (cmd) Immediately after inserting the exiftool command in the command line tool (cmd), which was created by »GPS Geotagger Simple«, the command starts. Immediately. Instantly. Directly. At once! An editing of the command code must be realised in the textarea in the webpage. By editing the command code in another editors it is possible to lost the encoding of the code and the command will fail.


First of all, it should be mentioned that the exiftoll file must be renamed from exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe. The exiftool is a command line tool. It works simply with the command exiftool when the command line tool is in the same directory as the exiftool.exe is storaged. In other cases the path to the exiftool.exe must be prefixed like: C:\the\path\to\exiftool.exe. The functionality of exiftool is really widespreaded. Go on the webpage of exiftool for download it and learning more about the possibilities: exiftool.


The tool ExifReader is a script in JavaScript, that can implement in webpages. The »GPS Geotagger Simple« uses the ExifReader only for reading EXIF GPS data. The functionality of exiftool is really widespreaded. Go on the webpage of exiftool for download it and learning more about the possibilities: ExifReader.


OpenLayers is a script in JavaScript, that can implement in webpages. It can more than only display maps in a webpage. The »GPS Geotagger Simple« uses the OpenLayers only for displaying a map and a overlay for the geotagging. The map images comes from the project openstreetmap and derivates. The functionality of OpenLayers is really widespreaded. Go on the webpage of OpenLayers for learning more about the possibilities: OpenLayers.

Manual Information

Never original photos

Never use original photos!

The reason why original photos should not be used is not the insecurity of the »GPS Geotagger Simple«. Many more things can happen that can destroy a photo file during the editing process, such as a power failure and many more failures. If originals are used, then a possible loss is purely your own fault.

No upload

There is no upload!

The loading of files into the webpage is not a upload and includes not a upload. An upload requires a form element with specification of a URL to which the data should be sent. The style of the buttons of an input element is the same as that of a form element. However, in »GPS Geotagger Simple« there are only input elements and no form elements. So in »GPS Geotagger Simple« default there is no upload. However, there is a possibility of modifying the »GPS Geotagger Simple«.

No map at startup

To avoid useless load on the map servers, no maps are loaded at startup. There are 5 different maps to choose from. Please be careful with the choise of the maps.

Path to Photos

The security restrictions of the browsers do not allow to read the full locale file path. For the displaying of the photos and for the creating of the exiftool command is the full locale file path needed. There will not be send to everywhere except inside the browser.

Only JPG

The »GPS Geotagger Simple« is only testet with JPG files (photos). The ExifReader and the exiftool can handle more than JPG.

No subfolder

The »GPS Geotagger Simple« can default read only single or multiple files or single directorys without subfolders inside. However the most browsers can read single directorys with subfolders inside. The »GPS Geotagger Simple« is not compatible for this. This is a matter of the arrangement of the »GPS Geotagger Simple« as "simple".

Path to exiftool.exe

For the creating of the exiftool command is the full path to the storage location of the exiftool.exe are needed. There will not be send to everywhere except inside the browser. Only the full local path without "exiftool.exe".

Own exiftool commands

It is posibble to use own exiftool commands. This commands will be added in the commands text by every command line of each photo file. They exists many of exiftool commands to manipulate the EXIF data in a photo. The default functionallity of exiftool makes a copy of the original files as FILENAME.JPG_original and manipulate afterwards the FILENAME.JPG. The »GPS Geotagger Simple« generates exiftool commands that includes the command -overwrite_original and with this exiftool makes not a copy of the original. For this and other cases please use only copies of photos and never the originals. More information and more commands are listed on the exiftool webpage.

Photo list resizeable

The box for the photo list is default a little bit small in the height. This is due to the design of the webpage and under consideration of smaller monitors. The list box is vertical resizeable. In addition it is possible to hide (toggle) a few of boxes in the sidebar via the ↓↑ button in the top right corner. For furthermore space use the browser fullsize mode with the F11 keyboard key (toggle). Last but not least it is possible to use the zoom in the browser (Ctrl and - or +). Photo list box resize

Modifying Information

Anyone is allowed to download the »GPS Geotagger Simple«, use it locally and modify it. The possibilities of modification are widespreaded.

Save the path to photos/exiftool

The simplest modifying of the »GPS Geotagger Simple« is to use it local and save the path to photos and exiftool.exe. For this it is necessary to set and save the value of the input box.

<input type="text" id="imagepathlocalid" class="imagepathlocalclass" value="C:\my\privat\path\to\my\privat\photo\folder" placeholder="C:\path\to\photo\folder">.

<input type="text" id="exiftoolpathlocalid" class="exiftoolpathlocalclass" value="C:\my\privat\path\to\the\exiftool" placeholder="C:\path\to\exiftool\folder">.
Please consider that its only the path in wich the "exiftool.exe" is saved and not a path with included "exiftool.exe"

Select multiple photos

A multiple selecting of photos for set one coordinate to all selected is possible. It is a little bit complex and not »simple« and for this reason not included in the »GPS Geotagger Simple«. For a better workflow without that expanding of the script it is possible to activate the keyboard shortcuts in the script code.

Keyboard shortcuts

For the "▲" and "▼" pager buttons and the "SET" button there is a keyboard shortcuts function included in the »GPS Geotagger Simple« and by default disabled.

Subfolder loading

An example of modifying is the loading of directorys with subdirectorys inside. The corresponding HTML code is already prepared:

<input type="file" onchange="inputfileload(event)" webkitdirectory multiple>.

In the modifying use "webkitRelativePath" (webkitEntries) to read the relative paths of the subdirectorys.

Google Maps & Bing Maps

It is possible to modifying the »GPS Geotagger Simple« for using Google Maps & Bing Maps or other maps. For this it is necessary to expand the choice of the map in the script code for the OpenLayers map loading. For both its a personal API Key necessary.

GPS geotagging with GPX route

It is possible to modify and expand the »GPS Geotagger Simple« for GPS geotagging with a GPX route. Loading a GPX Route in the map is easy. Compare the date-time in the GPX route and photo EXIF for grabbing the coordinates is also easy with JavaScript.

Photo zoomable

For the display of the current photo there is a function included in the script to dislpay the photo in a map with zoom and move, but the performance of this is not so good. For the display of the current photo you can include a script that use CSS to make it zoomable:

For the display of the current photo you can include a script that use canvas to make it zoomable:
Simple Pan and Zoom Canvas

Attention for modified »GPS Geotagger Simple«

Please attention for modified »GPS Geotagger Simple« that are not modified by yourself. It is possible to modify it to a dangerous tool.

GPS Precission

The precission of GPS is dependent of the position after decimal point. The OpenLayers uses a mathematical endless precission, because it is calculated by the pixels on the monitor. In the most cases in OpenLayers the GPS coordinates are rounded or fixed (truncate). The dimensions of the map is a stretched form, because the earth is no flat or quadratic. The displayed maps are created from peoples on computers via satellite photos. The satellite photos are not 1:1 to the real ground on the earth and deformed to fit the map. There are tolerances in all of this. In addition, it should be noted that although the earth is round, but also noncircular. Last but not least, the longitudes are very close to each other at the poles and very far apart at the equator. This also affects the precission in a screen map. Because of the stretched form of the map, the precision is very accurate at the poles and less at the equator.

The »GPS Geotagger Simple« fixed (truncate) the GPS coordinates to 6 digits after decimal point. This is a average precission of theoretical/mathematical 0.1 meter. When using the map, it becomes visible that the markers are not always very accurate. This has many technical reasons. The whole thing can't be done without a certain amount of tolerance.

The table shows a average precission.

#      GPS PRECISSION        #
#Coordinates#Dist. in m#fixed#
#1.00000000°#111120.000#    0#
#0.10000000°# 11112.000#    1#
#0.01000000°#  1111.200#    2#
#0.00100000°#   111.120#    3#
#0.00010000°#    11.112#    4#
#0.00001000°#     1.111#    5#
#0.00000100°#     0.111#    6#
#0.00000010°#     0.011#    7#
#0.00000001°#     0.001#    8#


It is possible and alowed to download the »GPS Geotagger Simple« for locale use and for modifying. Download page

Cheese please

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